Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Toenail fungus can infect your nails

(800) 672-0625

Toenail fungus can infect your nails by making its way through the cracks of your nails and sometimes even the cuts on your skin surrounding the nails. There are several telltale signs of toenail fungus, often times the toenail can change color ranging from yellow, blue, and black, it can cause the nail to become hard and thick making daily maintenance almost impossible, and it can easily distort and directly change the shape of the nail completely. The dark dampness of your shoes are the perfect breeding ground for the fungus to grow making toenails easily susceptible to nail infections rather than our hands. If you leave fungus untreated it can spread to your other nails, hands, and even skin!
Did you know men have a higher chance at developing toenail fungus over women? It can even be a trait passed genetically! It has been reported that the older you get, the more at risk you become for developing the fungus as well. People who suffer from weak immune systems, diabetes, smoke, and are in households where the fungus is already present also run a higher risk at obtaining the fungus.
If you’ve recently suffered from a toenail or foot injury, or spend a fair amount of time in the water, your odds for infection sky rocket.
Take precaution now, be proactive! Never walk barefoot in public, wear flip flops in public locker rooms and showers, and always bring your own nail polish whenever you. get your nails done at the salon!
For more information, please contact our office at
401 29th St. Suite 202
Oakland, CA 94619
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cosmetics and Cancer

(800) 672-0625

For most people, basic nail care is purely cosmetic. We pride ourselves in our aesthetic grooming processes. But what if these simple steps we take everyday to make ourselves more physically appeasing were actually hurting us more than helping? But how can something so simple, like a french manicure or a glob of red paint really hurt us? Exposure to some chemicals used in nail polishes and salons can range anywhere from cancer to fertility complications or anywhere in between.
Nail care products contain chemicals and other toxic and hazardous ingredients that can cause potential danger to not only the person the user, but also the applier. Researchers have claimed that toluene, dibutyl phthalate, and formaldehyde are the most hazardous of the chemicals found in salons, nicknamed the ‘toxic trio.’
Formaldehyde is typically used to harden the nails and act as a disinfectant for nail care tools.
Toluene is a type of solvent that creates a smooth finish over the nail which helps keeps the pigment and color in place.
And lastly Dibutyl phthalate, this is a substance which is added to polishes which helps provide flexibility which has been directly linked to reproductive problems.
On top of all these chemicals most nail salons lack proper ventilation which leaves air trapped inside small cramped areas forcing the harsh chemicals down both patron and employee. Salon workers are especially at risk due to the continuous exposure, first from direct contact then from airborne infiltration.
Most long term salon workers suffer from memory problems, respiratory issues, cancer, and muscle contractions. Although there are no definitive records claiming that the chemicals found in nail salons cause these specific problems mentioned above, the relations are outstanding, making the patterns hard to ignore.
For more information feel free to contact our orange county location. In our orange county location you can get free consultation for toenail fungus laser treatment.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ultimately, your doctor is the best resource for treating a fungal infection of the nails.

(800) 672-0625

Ultimately, your doctor is the best resource for treating a fungal infection of the nails. Since there are a number of different fungi that may be responsible for an infection, the best treatment for your condition depends on your doctor taking a sample from your nails and identifying the specific culprit. In addition to fungal infections, there a few other conditions — such as psoriasis and eczema — that mimic some of the symptoms, so it is always best to get a firm diagnosis before beginning any kind of treatment regimen.
Once your doctor makes a firm diagnosis, there are three main ways to treat fungal nail infections. One is to take oral anti-fungal medication. However, though oral medications are the most effective treatment, they are known to have problematic side effects such as liver damage. In addition, because oral medications work as your nails grow, this method could take four months or longer to get rid of the infection [source: Mayo Clinic].
An alternative to pills is topical treatments such as anti-fungal creams, which have the best chance of success if the infection is caught at an early stage. However, if the infection is very advanced or causing severe pain, your doctor may opt for the third method — removing the infected nail and surrounding skin via surgery. In any case, fungal infections are hard to eliminate completely and may recur even after a successful treatment.
If you’d rather not visit the doctor or prefer treatments that don’t involve drugs or surgery, there are some homeopathic remedies you could try. Click through to the next page to learn what they are.
For more information, please contact our office at
3184 W. Broad St. Suite C
Columbus, OH 43204
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation

Saturday, September 19, 2015

There are several different ways an innocent, unsuspecting person can develop toenail fungus.

(800) 672-0625

There are several different ways an innocent, unsuspecting person can develop toenail fungus. Onychomycosis, or as most people without a PhD call it, toenail fungus, can creep it’s way into the nail through mold or even through obtaining a yeast infection in the toenail! No matter how you catch toenail fungus, almost always, the infections are often created through warm, wet environments which give the fungus a comfortable breeding ground to grow and expand, often infecting neighboring toes and fingers.
Areas like saunas, swimming pools, locker rooms, gyms, even household showers are all hot spots for fungal infections to flourish. Just being in the same environment or shambling about the area can result with you developing the fungus as well!
Why toes, you may ask? What about toes and toenails make them so susceptible to the fungus? Good question. Toes tend to be more vulnerable to the fungus due to the lack of circulation in the feet rather than the hands. Also, the moist, warm, darkness of your sneakers and tennis shoes are the perfect breeding ground for the fungus to grow. So unless you’ve been wearing shoes on your hands lately, your hands have a less likely chance to develop the fungus. But they can catch it!
No one is immune to toenail fungus, anyone can catch it from your high school PE teacher to the president, but older adults are more at risk along with the elderly due to the decreased blood circulation to the feet. Also, as we continue to age, our nails tend to get thick making us more open to the possibility of nail infections.
Did you know men are more at risk to toenail fungus infections than women? Even worse, this tendency can be passed genetically! Something to keep in mind ladies, next time you’re having the baby talk with your man, don’t forget to give his feet a good look over before you decide anything!
For more information, please contact our office at
3184 W. Broad St. Suite C
Columbus, OH 43204
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Toenail fungus is an infection of the bed and plate underlying the surface of the nail.

(800) 672-0625

Toenail fungus is an infection of the bed and plate underlying the surface of the nail. You should treat toenail fungus as soon as it appears. Nail fungus feeds off keratin, a type of protein found in non-living tissue. Yellow toenails are a side effect of the presence of toenail fungus. The more discolored the nail, the further along the infection. We offer a variety of Dr. recommended treatments for toenail fungus including tineacide and a tea tree oil wash Fungasoap.
Toenail fungus should be treated as early as possible. It becomes more difficult to get rid of the farther it has spread towards the cuticle. People suffering from toenail fungus, particularly in its more advanced stages are strongly advised to get a diagnosis from a podiatrist. There are a variety of different types of toenail fungus. One common toenail fungus is the same fungus that causes athlete’s foot. Many toenail fungi will respond to a combination of good foot hygiene habits and non-prescription antifungal products; however, there are some types of foot fungus that will only respond to prescription oral treatment.
For more information, please contact our office at
4715 Pine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation.

Monday, September 14, 2015

What is toenail fungus you might ask yourself?

(800) 672-0625

What is toenail fungus you might ask yourself? 

What exactly is causing your toenails to harden and flake off? 

What’s turning your once healthy and luscious nails black and yellow?

 I’d love to tell you! 

Toenail fungus is a type of infection that affects the bed and plate of of the nail. If you start noticing the growth and development of toenail fungus on your own feet or hands you should seek treatment immediately since that fungus is extremely infectious. The fungus feeds off of keratin, a type of protein our bodies produce. It is often believed that the more discolored and distorted the nail, the further and more advanced the infection has become. Do not wait till your nails are nothing but flakey stubs inducing chronic pain to get treatment! 

There are several non invasive procedures you can do at home that will prevent the fungus from spreading. It has been stated that things like tea tree oil and tineacide are proven to help prevent the fungus from decaying the nail any further and stopping the infection.

Toenail fungus can be extremely difficult to get rid of the longer you wait, especially when the fungus makes contact with the cuticle. It is advised to seek medical attention from licensed podiatrists or dermatologists in your area that can provide you with sufficient antibiotics and treatment only they can provide.
For more information, please contact our office at
4715 Pine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Do you know the percent of Americans who are affected by toenail fungus?

(800) 672-0625

Do you know the percent of Americans who are affected by toenail fungus? 12% of all Americans! Now what’s the difference between bacteria and fungus you might ask? Fungus can multiply rapidly and cause different types of infection to the body. There are two different types of fungus that our skin is susceptible to. Candida and Dermatophytes, both of these types of fungi can affect our nails but usually Dermatophytes is the type of fungus most commonly found on the average, everyday, nail fungus infections.
There are several dangers of toenail fungus, and the longer you put off treatment, the more susceptible your nails become to these dangers! In most prolonged cases the nail becomes brittle and flakey, usually detaching itself from the skin completely. The shape of the nail can distort and become deformed while also changing the color of the nail entirely.
Pain is also a side affect from those suffering from toenail fungus. If left untreated this pain can spread from toe to toe and eventually foot to foot. The fungus can even travel to the hands which can be much harder to treat. If you have a weakened immune system or suffer from AIDS, leukemia, or have an organ transplant, you are at a much higher risk to developing the fungus and pain involved if left untreated.
Don’t wait for the fungus to cripple you completely, take action today and seek professional medical treatment to cure your nails today!
For more information, please contact our office at
4715 Pine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
(800) 672-0625

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Permanent toenail damage is a complication of a toenail fungal infection

(800) 672-0625

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most common cause of a toenail infection is a fungus and 12 percent of Americans are affected by it. Normally, there are a number of bacteria and fungi present on the body, but a fungus can multiply quickly and cause a toenail infection. Another name for toenail fungus is onychomycosis. The two main fungi that affect the skin are yeast, known as Candida, and dermatophytes. Both types can affect the nails, but dermatophytes are more commonly associated with the toenails.
The dangers of a toenail fungus include developing the normal symptoms. According to the National Library of Medicine, these symptoms include the toenail becoming brittle or crumbling. The shape of the nail can change, and debris can get caught under the nail. The nail can become discolored, and there can be a loosening of the nail to the point that it becomes detached. The nail can also thicken or lose its luster.
Permanent toenail damage is a complication of a toenail fungal infection. There can also be pain associated with the infection which can become serious and spread beyond the toe, especially if the immune system is depressed. This is especially true in people who have AIDS, leukemia or have had an organ transplant. People taking certain medications may also have a suppressed immune system.
For more information, please contact our office at:

3184 W. Broad St. Suite CColumbus, OH 43204(800) 672-0625, for free consultation.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Microscopic fungi can find their way into the toenails under a variety of different circumstances

(800) 672-0625

Microscopic fungi can find their way into the toenails under a variety of different circumstances. Usually, nail fungal infections occur when a type of fungus called a dermatophyte inhabits the nail. They can also be caused by a general mold or yeast infection in the toenail. Whether fungus, mold or yeast, all of these infections are created in warm, wet environments.

Places such as gyms, locker-rooms, hot-tubs, saunas, steam-rooms, swimming pools and showers, are hot-beds for these types of fungal infections. Just walking barefoot can cause you to get a fungal infection.
The dark warmth of your shoes and socks, particularly if you are sweating in your shoes, is also the perfect breeding ground for fungal infections. People are particularly vulnerable to fungal infections when they have tiny cuts between the nail and nail bed, as this opens the area up for the fungus to thrive. Toes are more vulnerable to infection than fingernails because of a lack of circulation in the area, as compared to the hands.

Anyone can get a toenail fungal infection, but older adults are more at risk due to a greater lack of blood circulation to the feet. What is more, as we age, our nails begin to thicken, making us more susceptible to fungal invasion. Men are more at risk than women, and the tendency can be passed on genetically.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood for nail fungus may also include diabetes, trauma to the nail, poor personal hygiene, athlete’s foot, hyperhydrosis, peripheral vascular disease, continual exposure to water and conditions involving immunodeficiency.

4715 Pine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
(800) 672-0625
, for free consultation.

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