Monday, March 30, 2015

Do I Have to Avoid my Nail Salon?

(800) 672-0625

You have probably heard people talk about how a decent percentage of nail salons don’t properly take care of their supplies. There have been articles written about them and even stories on television news programming. The sad truth is that these stories are as true as they appear. The worst part is that the people in charge of these nail salons are aware of the dangers involved with unkempt equipment and often don’t care about their customers enough to do anything about them.

Not all nail salons are like this, of course. Some people who work in nail salons refuse to treat people with nail fungus. While this may seem harsh, it is for the protection of their other customers. The better thing to do would be to use separate equipment for these nail fungus customers and then explain to them how to get rid of the fungus. Since most nail salons don’t do this you will likely have to learn of nail fungus on your own.

Nail fungus is highly contagious. When nail salon supplies, such as toenail clippers, come into contact with someone who has been infected with toenail fungus, that nail fungus could quickly spread to the next person who uses the same equipment. Unless that equipment is properly sterilized following the manicure or pedicure, the nail fungus will not be removed and could continue to spread from one person to another.

If you are sure that your nail salon properly sanitizes their equipment than it might be okay to keep going to them. However, simply wearing nail polish could lead to a nail fungus infection. Try asking your nail salon if they would be willing to use a nail polish such as daniPro antifungal nail polish. If they use an antifungal nail polish the chances of you getting a nail fungus infection will decrease. If they refuse to use an antifungal nail polish or don’t sterilize their equipment properly, you would be better off taking your business elsewhere.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Who can become infected with Nail Fungus?

(800) 672-0625

A common misconception is that only certain people can become infected with nail fungus. This is not the case. While it is often thought that only seniors can be infected with nail fungus, anyone can potentially be infected with it. This includes people of every demographic, from old to young, male to female and so on.

Nail fungus is contagious, so there are lots of different ways people can become infected. Some people can become infected as the result of an injury, while others can be infected during a trip to a nail salon. While it may seem like females are more likely to become infected since they are more likely to go pay attention to their nails and go to a nail salon, a high percentage of people infected with nail fungus are actually males. And while older people have weakened immune systems that could lead to a nail fungus infection, younger people tend to be more athletic meaning sweat could build up around their feet, causing a nail fungus infection that way.

No matter what you look like or how old you are, you still need to be prepared. Nail fungus can seemingly come from out of nowhere. If you learn about nail fungus risk factors you will decrease your chances of becoming infected with a nail fungus infection. Nail fungus can infect people when they least expect it. Don’t let it infect you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Nail Fungus on the Fingers

(800) 672-0625

Toenail fungus is a fairly common infection. People of any age can get it. Once they do, it is often very difficult to get rid of. To make matters worse, toenail fungus won’t just go away by itself. As such, people should make sure to pay lots of attention to their feet before they become infected with toenail fungus. But the toes aren’t the only nails to look out for. What some people don’t realize is that fingernail fungus is also possible.

Just like toenail fungus, nail fungus on the fingers on the fingers can also be incredibly difficult to get rid of. For many people, nail fungus on the fingers is even worse than toenail fungus because it’s harder to cover up hands than feet. Wearing shoes is normal, but people generally don’t want to go around wearing gloves all day, every day.

Nail fungus can spread from toe to toe, toe to finger, finger to finger, and yes, finger to toe. If you have nail fungus on your fingers or your toes, you should get treated before the fungus spreads. There are many different nail fungus treatments on the market, some of which are more effective and safer than others. If you need help deciding which nail fungus treatment is the best one for you, you should consult with a doctor who has experience treating nail fungus. The sooner you get the treatment started, the sooner you will be rid of your nail fungus.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Toenail Fungus Treatment: Keep Trying

(800) 672-0625

Onychomycosis, more commonly known as toenail fungus, is one of the countless infections that people could suffer from. Some of the people who suffer from toenail fungus do so for years. Sometimes this is because they don’t think they can get rid of it. Other times it’s because they try a single toenail fungus treatment and give up after it doesn’t work. While it is true that in some cases toenail fungus is very difficult to treat, it is not impossible.

The first thing you want to do if you’ve become infected with toenail fungus is research. Try to figure out why you’ve become infected and then avoid doing that same thing again to keep another infection from forming. Then you should learn about all of the different toenail fungus treatment options available. If you previously tried a nail fungus treatment without doing any research and developed an unusual side effect as a result, take extra time to learn about the next toenail fungus treatment you try so you can keep this from happening again in the future.

If you are one of the people who either never tried a toenail fungus treatment or gave up in the early going, know that there is hope. One nail fungus treatment may not have worked, but keep trying. There are plenty of different nail fungus treatments on the market so there is a good chance that one of them will work for you. If you need help deciding which one, or are afraid that a certain treatment’s side effects will harm you more than the actual fungus, you can get help. Podiatrists are the perfect source of toenail fungus advice since many of them have diagnosed and successfully treated this infection dozens, if not hundreds of times.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Most Common Nail Fungus Treatments

(800) 672-0625

If you have nail fungus, you’ve probably tried researching the different nail fungus treatment options on the market. Some of them might seem reasonable, while others may put you off due to their side effects or success rate. As you likely now know, there are a variety of types of nail fungus treatments, all of which are tried by people all over the world.

One type of nail fungus treatment that people tend to try first is a nail fungus home remedy. Home remedies are the least successful nail fungus treatments available, but because of their cheap price are probably the most common. Despite the cheap price for a home remedy such as tea tree oil, it will likely just end up being a complete waste of money when it doesn’t end up getting rid of your nail fungus. If you just want to keep you nail fungus from spreading, a home remedy might help, but otherwise you are better off skipping this common treatment option.

Oral and topical nail fungus treatment medications have been around for a while now and have varying degrees of success and safety rates. Topical medications have a better success rate than home remedies, but they still aren’t very high. Oral medications, on the other hand, are fairly successful but people who use them are putting themselves at great risk of harmful side effects such as liver damage.

One kind of nail fungus treatment that is relatively new, but is getting more common by the day is laser treatment. Nail fungus laser treatment is both safe so patients don’t have to worry about harmful side effects. It also has a high success rate and is usually a very quick procedure. If this sounds better than medications or home remedies, give it a try. If you still want to do a little more research, your best advice would come from talking to a podiatrist.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Can My Child Have Toenail Fungus?

(800) 672-0625

Parents care about their children. When their children are babies they make sure that the babies feet are as clean as can be. But as children get older, parents don’t always pay attention to their children’s feet. They stop making sure that their children’s feet are always as clean as they should be. When children play in the yard barefoot, as many commonly do, they are getting their feet dirty and increasing their risk of a toenail fungus infection.

So yes, children can become infected with toenail fungus. Despite what some people think, people of any age can become infected with nail fungus. It does not matter if the person is eight, eighteen, or eighty. While older adults are more likely to become infected, a younger age does not make someone immune to a nail infection.

If you think that your child has toenail fungus, don’t worry too much. While the nail fungus won’t go away on its own, it can go away with a proper treatment. Laser nail fungus removal treatment is perfect for children because there is no pain involved and parents don’t have to worry about any side effects that could harm the child. As long as the parent properly explains to the child what’s going on, the nail fungus should start to disappear in no time.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Downside of the Cheapest Toenail Fungus Treatments

(800) 672-0625

When people play the lottery, there is a very, very low chance of them actually winning anything that would make it worth playing. People who try using the cheapest toenail fungus treatments to get rid of their toenail fungus are in a similar situation. Like with playing the lottery, they’re likely just wasting their time and money.
The cheapest toenail fungus treatments are the various home remedies that people try. Home remedies include using household products such as vinegar, baking soda, and tea tree oil. Since none of these products are designed to help solve this problem, the chances of any of them actually getting rid of your toenail fungus are about as low as you winning the lottery.
Instead of spending relatively little money on something that won’t get rid of your toenail fungus, you should consider spending a little more on a toenail fungus treatment that actually has the potential to work. Topical medications are the next step up from home remedies. The success of topical medications is still fairly low, but at least you would have a chance. If you’re serious about getting rid of your toenail fungus, laser toenail fungus treatment would be your best bet. Unlike the cheaper treatment options, toenail fungus laser treatment has a high success rate that would make it worth playing the lottery.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Athletes and Nail Fungus

(800) 672-0625

There is no 100% guaranteed way to prevent a nail fungus infection. While people can certainly decrease their chances of becoming infected by doing things such as avoiding injury, there is always going to be a chance of an infection no matter what is done. Of course, people who don’t even try to prevent a nail fungus infection are going to be more at risk. If this person is an athlete, the risk goes up even more.
Athletes tend to spend lots of time on their feet, making them a target for nail fungus. This is because nail fungal organisms thrive in moist environments such as sweaty feet. The more someone sweats, the greater the chance that nail fungus will be able to grow. Athletes who suffer from constantly sweaty feet should pay more attention to them and make sure they continuously wipe away their sweat throughout the day. They should also be prepared to change into an extra pair of shoes and a few extra pairs of socks, especially if they will be exercising for a long period of time.
Another important thing for athletes to pay attention to is the shower they use. Public showers are a breeding ground for nail fungus so athletes should avoid them if possible. This is probably only feasible if they live nearby so a public shower may have to do. Keeping in mind that nail fungal spores can spread from one person to another, athletes who use public showers should always wear showers inside of the shower. Washing their feet can and should be done, but they should make sure their feet never touch the shower floor.
This article was written with the help of our North York office at :
3695 Bathurst St
North York, ON M6A 2E6
Our Toronto office also serves Thornhill, Scarborough, and York.

Friday, March 6, 2015

My Nail Fungus isn’t just Cosmetic

(800) 672-0625

Nail fungus is often considered a cosmetic infection. This is because people with toenail fungus will often look at their feet and see a variety of unusual looking symptoms without experiencing any pain, especially at first. Some of them just cover up their feet and almost pretend like they don’t even have a nail fungus infection. Others aren’t so lucky.

It is true that the most common symptoms of toenail fungus are purely cosmetic. This is why insurance companies consider nail fungus a cosmetic infection. Spots and nail discoloration are some of the symptoms that people tend to see. Their nails can get thick and become distorted, but even then they may not feel any pain. They may see one of many other cosmetic symptoms as well, all of which insurance companies use to keep their customers away.

But as many people can attest to, toenail fungus symptoms can go beyond just the cosmetic issues. Some people really do experience actual foot pain as result of their nail fungus. This pain can be anywhere from mild and occasional in some people to severe and continuous in others. In addition, some people with nail fungus will smell a terrible odor coming from their toes. These people will not only be afraid of other people looking at their toes, but will also want people to stay away from their feet entirely.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Q&A Session: Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment

(800) 672-0625

If I get the treatment offered by Laser Nail Therapy Clinic how fast will it take for thr the discoloration to go away?

Usually you will start seeing results after about three months or longer. It depends on the rate of growth of your nail; you will see results only once your healthy nail will grow out and push the yellow nail away.

Does Laser Nail Therapy Centers offer any guarantees?

Nothing is certain in real world medicine. We cannot the response for each individual treatment, and cannot control the patients compliance with post treatment care to prevent re-infection with the fungus. Laser Nail Therapy centers do not offer a guarantee or any warranty. Medicine is based on evidence and statistical data. The success of a treatment is based on the statistical results from research and experiments. Unfortunately not everyone can be cured, but we can assure you that we will do our best to improve your odds.

What are the payment options the Clear Nail Laser Centre offers?

Anything goes. You can pay by credit card, check, debit card, upfront, per treatment. You can have a payment plan where you give some post dated checks or leave your visa number and we can put a specific amount on it every month. Whatever works is fine. There are also companies that finance medical procedures and if that is the case with you, we can give you that information. Generally you get approved over the phone and then work out financing with them. They generally charge slightly less than 10% interest rate. If you finance a treatment over a period of four years, it will cost you the amount of a cup of Tim Horton’s coffee a day to do, which is inexpensive.

How would you define or describe “healthy toes” or “healthy nails”?

Healthy nails are not too thick and are have do not have discoloration.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Effectiveness of Topical Anti-Fungal Medications

(800) 672-0625

 If you suffer from a mild or moderate infection, or prefer to avoid the risks of oral medication, your doctor can suggest topical treatment, such as an antifungal nail polish or ointment.
The antifungal nail polish is applied on the nails and the nail cuticles daily. Every week you need take off the polish layers and begin a fresh application.
If the treatment works, you should see a new, healthy nail growth from the base of the nail bed. 

The infected nail can be clipped away gradually.
Routine daily use of an antifungal infused nail polish for about 12 months can clear some nail fungal infections, but because it has to penetrate the nail, it can be difficult to reach and destroy all the fungus. These treatments are time consuming and require high level of dedication from the patients, since even skipping few applications can result in remission of the infection. The treatments rarely work and most solutions in the market are not FDA approved to heal the infection (although they are effectively used to prevent the recurrence of infections).

Your doctor can file the surface of your nail (debridement of the nail) to decrease the fungal load and lessen the surface of infected nail. The debridement can increase the effectiveness of the topical remedies. Over-the-counter antifungal nail ointments, are available at CVS, Walgreen’s and other local drugstores or pharmacies, but unfortunately they are not very effective. If you suffer from Athlete’s Foot then you should treat the athlete’s foot with antifungal cream to avoid reinfection.