Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Homeopathy is a Bad Option

(800) 672-0625

Homeopathy is a substitute to medicine, which uses harmful substances in place of actual tested medications. These substances can cause side effects and symptoms. Many of the chemicals in these homeopathic remedies contain plant and animal material that is extremely diluted and causes the body to act and react in unusual ways. Homeopathy is ineffective and dangerous, especially in instances when used in place of approved medications and treatment options, which have otherwise been proved and tested.
Several studies have been conducted to suggest that homeopathy is not only ineffective, for any medical condition but has also caused illnesses and other health related issues. Individuals who choose homeopathy as a treatment option may be putting their health at risk if they reject or delay treatments for which there is actual good evidence for safety and effectiveness.
If you are suffering from an illness or a disease of any sort make sure to contact a specialist first before turning to any solutions, especially homeopathic ones.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What Exactly is Toenail Fungus?

(800) 672-0625

Onychomycosis is just a fancy word for toenail fungus, which is characterized by its more prominent traits, such as; inflammation, foot pains, swelling of the toes, discoloration and thickening of the nails, it can even deteriorate the nail completely!
There are several ways you can obtain toenail fungus, it can vary from abnormal ph levels of the skin, to overexposure to moisture, wearing synthetic or extremely old socks, sweat build up in your shoes, to just overall poor foot hygiene. Sometimes Onychomycosis can even be caused by the weak circulation you can obtain from having diabetes.
Today, this embarrassing and sometimes painful ailment is completely treatable thanks to modern medicine! There are several different forms of treatment ranging from topical creams and sprays, oral medications, and in some situations, surgical removal of the infected nail.
Side effects of may occur when taking oral medications such as; liver damage, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weight gain, fatigue, heart problems, the list goes on and on.
Maybe the best option for treating your unsightly toenail fungus is the Pinpointe laser which has no side effects at all and typically requires just one treatment! Another remedy to toenail fungus are herbal medications which can be made up from items you can grab from your pantry. But like other topical options, they suffer from a low cure rate unlike the laser.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

How Do We Develop Toenail Fungus?

(800) 672-0625

Who would have known how easy it is to contract toenail fungus? It is most commonly found in shared showers, changing stations, and locker rooms, anywhere where moisture and heat thrive. With the invention of the shoe came protection from the harsh elements humans faced on a daily basis. But it also brought the perfect breeding ground for toenail fungus! Enclosed shoes can sometimes trap moisture and heat making it ground zero for the fungus to grow. Which is an interesting concept to think that only 1% of people in Africa have toenail fungus compared to 10% of people in the US or UK!
If your job requires you to wear work boots for extended periods of times or work in wet environments, you are 5 times more likely to come in contact with the fungus or develop the fungus yourself!
There are several tell tale signs of seeing for yourself if you have developed or are starting to develop toenail fungus;
  • Thickened or hardened nails
  • Nail damage on the tips or edges of nails
  • Nails that are starting to separate from the nail bed or completely removed from the skin
  • A whitish patch forming at the base of the nail

You are also several times more likely to develop the fungus if you suffer from diabetes or are above the age of 50!
Take precautions when you expose your feet in public, be wary of public showers and locker rooms, and always throw out old shoes that have already turned black from sweat and grime. So long as you practice safe foot hygiene you won’t have to fear about becoming another toenail fungus statistic in America.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nail Fungus and The Start of a HUGE Problem?

(800) 672-0625

There are several different ways an innocent, unsuspecting person can develop toenail fungus. Onychomycosis, or as most people without a PhD call it, toenail fungus, can creep it’s way into the nail through mold or even through obtaining a yeast infection in the toenail! No matter how you catch toenail fungus, almost always, the infections are often created through warm, wet environments which give the fungus a comfortable breeding ground to grow and expand, often infecting neighboring toes and fingers.
Areas like saunas, swimming pools, locker rooms, gyms, even household showers are all hot spots for fungal infections to flourish. Just being in the same environment or shambling about the area can result with you developing the fungus as well!
Why toes, you may ask? What about toes and toenails make them so susceptible to the fungus? Good question. Toes tend to be more vulnerable to the fungus due to the lack of circulation in the feet rather than the hands. Also, the moist, warm, darkness of your sneakers and tennis shoes are the perfect breeding ground for the fungus to grow. So unless you’ve been wearing shoes on your hands lately, your hands have a less likely chance to develop the fungus. But they can catch it!
No one is immune to toenail fungus, anyone can catch it from your high school PE teacher to the president, but older adults are more at risk along with the elderly due to the decreased blood circulation to the feet. Also, as we continue to age, our nails tend to get thick making us more open to the possibility of nail infections.
Did you know men are more at risk to toenail fungus infections than women? Even worse, this tendency can be passed genetically! Something to keep in mind ladies, next time you’re having the baby talk with your man, don’t forget to give his feet a good look over before you decide anything!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Toenail Fungus and You

(800) 672-0625

What is toenail fungus you might ask yourself? What exactly is causing your toenails to harden and flake off? What’s turning your once healthy and luscious nails black and yellow? I’d love to tell you! Toenail fungus is a type of infection that affects the bed and plate of of the nail. If you start noticing the growth and development of toenail fungus on your own feet or hands you should seek treatment immediately since that fungus is extremely infectious. The fungus feeds off of keratin, a type of protein our bodies produce.
It is often believed that the more discolored and distorted the nail, the further and more advanced the infection has become. Do not wait till your nails are nothing but flakey stubs inducing chronic pain to get treatment! There are several non invasive procedures you can do at home that will prevent the fungus from spreading. It has been stated that things like tea tree oil and tineacide are proven to help prevent the fungus from decaying the nail any further and stopping the infection.
Toenail fungus can be extremely difficult to get rid of the longer you wait, especially when the fungus makes contact with the cuticle. It is advised to seek medical attention from licensed podiatrists or dermatologists in your area that can provide you with sufficient antibiotics and treatment only they can provide.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Nail Polish Can Cure Your Nail Fungus

(800) 672-0625

Have you ever thought about covering up your unsightly fungal nails without infecting or reinfecting yourself? Perhaps you have thought about doing so with nail polish, but still want your nails to breathe. Well the solution is here and i know just the one.
Scientists and polishing companies have developed nail polishes with antifungal remedies in them. This means that nail fungus sufferers can now cover up those embarrassing discolored and bruised up nails without feeling like they are causing more harm than good.
There are several brand options out there and many of them have different remedy properties. Some include tea tree oil, others contain something with a little more powerful antifungal agents such as acetate. Both of these are safe options and have no harmful side effects.
You may find these antifungal nail polishes online or in some clinics, such as our own, Laser Nail Therapy Clinic. We also offer the polishes on our website under “shop” tab or you may purchase them in any one of our offices.
Antifungal nail polishes are a great way in not only covering up your embarrassing nail fungus, but also serve to help treat your nails in the process.

Friday, August 7, 2015

How to Sterilize and Keep Away from Nail Fungus

(800) 672-0625

Many people who suffer from nail fungus are aware of the options available for treatment, however not everyone knows about the post care and how to prevent from reinfection. There are several aftercare products that you may use that can help fight nail fungus and prevent you from getting infected again.
Those who have nail fungus believe that they must dispose of their shoes after treating their nails. They may be on to something, as it is important for you to be careful and prevent from reinfection. However, there are solutions that allow you to still use to same shoes by simply sterilizing them. You may do this by purchasing a shoe sanitizing spray. There are several brand options available either in drugstores/pharmacies or online. Another option if you wear closed-toed shoes is by changing your socks often to a fresh new pair, and by fresh new pair I mean a clean pair of socks that have been freshly washed or even a brand new pair work fine.
Another solution to preventing nail fungus is by applying antifungal cream to your skin. “But what if i don’t have fungus on my feet or toes?” The answer is that you do not need to have fungus on your skin or toes to develop a nail fungus or to prevent from one. Often times the fungal spores live in the tissues of your skin and do not necessarily form a fungus on the skin or toes, but for one reason or another, develop on your nails because your nails could be more susceptible to fungus. Thus, the antifungal cream can block fungal agents from developing and spreading to your nails.
Finally, there are lacquers available that help prevent nail fungus and serve as a protective shield for the nails and the surrounding skin. By applying this oil based lacquer you are protecting your nails from possible reinfection and helping treat nail fungus period.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Time Consuming Toenail Fungus Treatments

(800) 672-0625

It can often be frustrating when you want to rid yourself of an infection and end up wasting your time when it doesn’t work. People with nail fungus know all about this. The time it takes to get rid of nail fungus can really seem like an endless battle. This is because the majority of treatment options on the market take a lot of time to use and require of lot of patience in doing so.
For example topical medications must continuously be used and applied for the toenail fungus to even have a chance of going away. Other treatments, such as oral medications and home remedies have their own problems as well. Oral medications not only take time to work, but the can also cause serious side effects such as liver damage. Home remedies will most likely not have any kind of effect on your nails at all.
One more toenail fungus treatment option you could try, however, is laser treatment. If you do decide to choose the laser treatment option, the fungus will be killed by the laser instantly. In addition, it won’t require you to digest any harmful medications. With all that said, you will still need to be patient before you see the full results and entirely clear nails. While the laser will kill your toenail fungus during the treatment, you will not see the full results until a new nail grows out and takes the old nails place. For this reason you will need to be patient a little longer. Just remember that there is an end in sight to your nail fungus battle.