Monday, April 20, 2015

When will my Nail Fungus go Away?

(800) 672-0625

Have you been researching different nail fungus treatment options? If so, you’ve probably read about a plethora of different options. Some of these nail fungus treatment options include topical medications, oral medications, and home remedies. However, one of the downsides to these options is that they take a long time to have any effect, if they even end up working at all. The sad truth is that some of them, especially home remedies, don’t work at all. If they do work you it will still take a lot of time and dedication to become a success.
Luckily, there is one treatment option that is both quick and effective. Nail fungus laser treatment is this option. Nail fungus laser treatment with the PinPointe laser usually only takes one treatment session. Even better, you will likely be in and out of the office in less than one hour. While there may be some upkeep involved to keep your nail fungus from coming back, the amount of time that you will allot to keeping your feet or hands fungus free will be significantly less than if you were to use another nail fungus treatment option.
Unlike in years past, laser treatment is now easier to find than ever. There are now safe, safe, and quick lasers all around the United States and even some in Canada. If you are tired of staring at your ugly nails or wasting your time with less effective options, it’s time for you to stop waiting. Laser treatment may be relatively new in comparison to some of the other nail fungus options on the market, but it is effective and won’t be a waste of your time.
Our Chicago clinic and Houston clinics offer the “buy 3 get 1 free” antifungal products special

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment Boston, Mass (800) 672-0625

Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today!

If you are suffering from Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus Infection), you owe it to yourself to visit the most experienced clinic available!

We are the largest toenail fungus clinic in the United States, serving the greater Boston area with a location in Medford, Massachusetts. Our laser treatments with the PinPointe FootLaser are always performed by a Podiatrist, not a technician. 

The PinPointe FootLaser is the most effective laser on the market, with the highest cure rate compared to other treatment options for toenail fungus 

(800) 672-0625

Zero Governors Ave
Suite 7
Medford, MA 02155

Friday, April 17, 2015

Podiatrists and Toenail Fungus

(800) 672-0625

Toenail fungus can be difficult to treat. People who try to treat their toenail fungus on their own are largely unsuccessful. This is why it is important to seek out help from people who have experience dealing with toenail fungus. The kind of doctors with the most experience treating toenail fungus are foot doctors known as podiatrists.
Podiatrists specialize in ailments to the feet and ankles. Toenail fungus falls into this category. Whether you just want some advice or are looking for a specific toenail fungus prescription or treatment, podiatrists will be able to help you out. Unlike with other doctors, toenail fungus is one of the more common ailments that a podiatrist treats.
Podiatrists can be found all around the country, although if you want laser toenail fungus treatment you may have to travel a bit if you don’t live near a major city. Still, unlike in the past, toenail fungus lasers are now becoming more common so you likely won’t have to travel too far. Whether you want a toenail fungus laser treatment or would rather try a different toenail fungus treatment, the sooner you get treated for toenail fungus the easier it will be to get rid of.
This article was written with the help of our North York office at :
3695 Bathurst St
North York, ON M6A 2E6
Our Atlanta office also serves Thornhill, Scarborough, and York.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Toenail Fungus: What to Look For

(800) 672-0625

Have you noticed anything unusual about your toenails lately? Normally they are clear, but now all of the sudden they have yellow or white spots on them. Unfortunately, these are some of the first signs of toenail fungus. There are a few other things to look out for if you think you might have toenail fungus.
Other symptoms of toenail fungus include your nails being dark in color. Your nails should look like as clear as they usually do, so when the color is different that isn’t a good thing. It may be toenail fungus, or it could even be something worse. If your nails have become distorted, crumbled or brittle, you should consider the possibility that you have toenail fungus. In addition, if your nails have thickened, this could also be a sign that you have been infected with toenail fungus.
If you have noticed any of these signs, or anything unusual about your toenails in general, go seek out advice from a doctor, preferably one who specializes in the feet. Podiatrists have lots of experience dealing with toenail fungus, and could recommend the right treatment option for you.
This article was written with the help of our Atlanta office at :
1434 Scott Blvd, Suite 3
Atlanta, CA 30030
Our Atlanta office also serves Cedar Mill, Montavilla, and Beaverton.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Toenail Fungus and Children

(800) 672-0625

The chances of being infected with toenail fungus increase with age. As our immune system weakens, the fungi have a greater chance of thriving and spreading from toe to toe. But toenail fungus can actually be found on people of any age, even children. This is much more unlikely to happen than on an elderly adult, but it is possible.
Children often have don’t understand the importance of having good hygiene. Playing barefoot in dirt is an easy way for toenail fungus to invade a child’s toenail. The immune system should help keep it away, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work that way. And the toenail is not the only place fungus could attack. Children who don’t wash their hands as much as they should could, on rare occasions, lead to a fingernail fungus infection.
If your child has been infected with nail fungus, you should seek out treatment as soon as possible. Adults don’t want people to see their infected nails, and the embarrassment could be handled even worse in children. They are much more likely to be teased than an adult, which could cause self-esteem issues now and later in life. There are a variety of toenail fungus treatment options available on the market, so consult with a doctor to find out which one would be right for your child.

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Dangers Surrounding Public Pools

(800) 672-0625

People who go swimming on a regular basis are likely very capable when it comes to their swimming ability. As such, they don’t give it much thought when they head to the pool because they don’t think they have to worry about the risks that come along with going for a swim. After all, as long as they know how to swim they don’t have to worry about drowning. But what people don’t seem to realize is that there is actually danger lurking outside of the pool as well. This is especially true at public pools since they are often contaminated with toenail fungus.
When a person is infected with nail fungus, that person has the ability to spread it to other people around them. If that same person are infected with nail fungus and spends the day at a public pool, they are putting everyone else in that pool area at risk. All that the other people would have to do is simply walk around barefoot next to the pool. Any other person who steps in the spots that the first person stepped could potentially become infected with toenail fungus.
This is why you need to be cautious of the area around the water when you go to a public pool. Instead of walking around barefoot, put some water shoes, sandals, or flip-flops on instead. This footwear will help prevent toenail fungus from infecting your feet. Don’t take this footwear off until you have safely returned home. Public showers are often crawling with nail fungus so you need to keep wearing shoes while you are in these shower areas as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Are Nail Fungus Home Remedies as Pointless as they Seem?

(800) 672-0625

The simple answer to this question is yes. Nail fungus home remedies, like any kind of home remedy, have not ever been scientifically proven to work. Home remedies are ideas that people come up with because they think they could work. While a long list of nail fungus home remedies exist on the internet, you would be better off ignoring them.

Nail fungus home remedies will in no way completely get rid of your nail fungus. f you see any kind of improvement at all you are likely just imagining it. At best nail fungus home remedies will just help you keep your nail fungus from spreading further. At worst some of the nail fungus home remedies you might try could actually harm you. Bleach is one you’ll want to avoid for sure.

There are lots of nail fungus treatments on the market. Some of them work better than others. All of them work better than nail fungus home remedies. If you want to try a nail fungus treatment that actually has the potential to get rid of your fungus, seek out a foot doctor who can help you. Foot doctors such as podiatrists are experienced when it comes to treating toenail fungus, so their advice will be much more helpful than trying out home remedies.