Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Ingrown Toenails Form

(800) 672-0625

Imagine this, you awake on a beautiful sunlit Sunday morning, the weather outside? Perfect. You arise out of your bed the image of perfection, your health is top notch and your physical form majestic. You hear the sound of birds chirping in the distance outside your window as you make your way to your bedroom closet as to change into your running attire. You put on a loose shirt and some comfortable pants which hang slightly baggy on your form. You take your time making your way downstairs and plop yourself down on the last step where you leave your running shoes. You unbundle a new pair of socks and place them on your feet. You untie your shoes previously made from the run before and slide your foot into your sneaker. But what’s this?! Pain! Pain in such graphic sensation! But why? What’s causing this pain, how did this happen and what did you do to deserve this?
My friend, you have what millions of other people around the world suffer from everyday; an ingrown toenail. But what caused it and why?
An ingrown toenail occurs when the toenail starts growing into the skin of the toe at a curve rather than straight out. this can happen on any toe, either foot but happens most commonly on the big toe. Ingrown toenails can be quite painful to the touch and can become swollen and red. If left untreated for too long they can also become severely infected.
Ingrown toenails can happen for all different reasons, but the most commonly due to not cutting nails properly. Other reasons may be hereditary, trauma or recent injury, or ill fitted shoes.
If you’ve been experiencing ingrown toenails your whole life then you most likely have a congenital condition which is just a fancy way of saying you were born with large toenails. If this is the case you must use caution when trimming your nails and try to cut them in a straight line across. Also be sure you’re not cutting your nails too short! Be sure the sure the shoes you wear provide ample space for your toes to discourage cramping!

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