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Onychomycosis is just a fancy word for toenail fungus, which is characterized by its more prominent traits, such as; inflammation, foot pains, swelling of the toes, discoloration and thickening of the nails, it can even deteriorate the nail completely!
There are several ways you can obtain toenail fungus, it can vary from abnormal ph levels of the skin, to overexposure to moisture, wearing synthetic or extremely old socks, sweat build up in your shoes, to just overall poor foot hygiene. Sometimes Onychomycosis can even be caused by the weak circulation you can obtain from having diabetes.
Today, this embarrassing and sometimes painful ailment is completely treatable thanks to modern medicine! There are several different forms of treatment ranging from topical creams and sprays, oral medications, and in some situations, surgical removal of the infected nail.
Side effects of may occur when taking oral medications such as; liver damage, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weight gain, fatigue, heart problems, the list goes on and on.
Maybe the best option for treating your unsightly toenail fungus is the Pinpointe laser which has no side effects at all and typically requires just one treatment! Another remedy to toenail fungus are herbal medications which can be made up from items you can grab from your pantry. But like other topical options, they suffer from a low cure rate unlike the laser.