Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Toenail Fungus: What to Look For

(800) 672-0625

Have you noticed anything unusual about your toenails lately? Normally they are clear, but now all of the sudden they have yellow or white spots on them. Unfortunately, these are some of the first signs of toenail fungus. There are a few other things to look out for if you think you might have toenail fungus.
Other symptoms of toenail fungus include your nails being dark in color. Your nails should look like as clear as they usually do, so when the color is different that isn’t a good thing. It may be toenail fungus, or it could even be something worse. If your nails have become distorted, crumbled or brittle, you should consider the possibility that you have toenail fungus. In addition, if your nails have thickened, this could also be a sign that you have been infected with toenail fungus.
If you have noticed any of these signs, or anything unusual about your toenails in general, go seek out advice from a doctor, preferably one who specializes in the feet. Podiatrists have lots of experience dealing with toenail fungus, and could recommend the right treatment option for you.
This article was written with the help of our Atlanta office at :
1434 Scott Blvd, Suite 3
Atlanta, CA 30030
Our Atlanta office also serves Cedar Mill, Montavilla, and Beaverton.

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