Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Tea Bag Nail Wraps
(800) 672-0625

Here’s what you’ll need; a tea bag of any kind so long as it’s made out of paper. nail file, another nail file only this one MUST be super fine-grained, and a base coat of your choosing but preferably one with nutrients and vitamins for strength!
Here’s how it works and what you’ll need to do. Take your tea bag and empty out it’s entire content, yup that’s right, you only need the tea bag for this beauty tip, so go ahead and empty out everything. Now cut out a small rectangular section of your tea bag about the width and length of your nail. Apply your base coat, while your first coat is still wet put your tea bag with extra space below over the crack or split. The extra room is to help with strength. Press down gently to make sure everything is nice and smooth, this part might get messy but it shouldn’t be a problem and can be smoothed out later. Press down till smooth then apply another layer of your base coat, your tea bag should start turning transparent at this stage.
Here’s how it works and what you’ll need to do. Take your tea bag and empty out it’s entire content, yup that’s right, you only need the tea bag for this beauty tip, so go ahead and empty out everything. Now cut out a small rectangular section of your tea bag about the width and length of your nail. Apply your base coat, while your first coat is still wet put your tea bag with extra space below over the crack or split. The extra room is to help with strength. Press down gently to make sure everything is nice and smooth, this part might get messy but it shouldn’t be a problem and can be smoothed out later. Press down till smooth then apply another layer of your base coat, your tea bag should start turning transparent at this stage.
You can trim off the extra paper with either scissors or a nail file, it shouldn’t be a problem and should come off easily hassle free. Normally it is never advised to file the tops of yours nails, usually filing the tops of your nails will weaken them and cause damage and stress, but this is the exception. You won’t necessarily be filling your nails directly, more so the tea bags just to help blend them in with your nail very very lightly. This step will also help you smooth out any bumps or ridges. Make sure you’re filing down with your super fine grained file! Now apply your last layer of your base coat and let dry completely, do not rush it! You need it to dry completely! You are now ready to apply your choice of nail polish and enjoy your newly repaired nail!
If you don’t have any cracks or damages you can also use this as a way of reinforcing the tips of your nails if your’s tends to break and chip easily. Just remember to be gentle with your nails and go easy on the filing!
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Cuticle Care and You
(800) 672-0625
We all want healthy long luxurious nails, most people will do anything to get them too! Either by getting fake nails or using supplements or nail lacquers. But where do healthy nails start? And how do we even begin trying for them? First things first, cuticle care! Your cuticles aren’t there just to look pretty, they play a purpose! They sit on top of your nail matrix and act like a protective barrier. If you want long healthy nails, taking care of your cuticles is a good start. And here’s a few ways to do it.
As a rule of thumb, never cut your cuticles. Cutting them puts you more at risk then helping them. You put yourself at risk to infection, irritation, and stress. If you remove the cuticle completely you leave your nails completely vulnerable and exposed, anything can get in. Getting a bacterial infection would be all too easy and it’s just not worth the risk.
Moisturize! Cuticles have the tendency of getting dry, they can crack and peel and flake off if left unmoisturized. Any skin moisturizer will do, but most dermatologists recommend thicker ones including ointments or creams. Apply a generous amount to your hands and use whatever is leftover to massage into your cuticles. Hot wax treatments are another good way of caring for your cuticles. This treatment is usually found at most salons. A special type of oil is heated until it’s completely melted, patrons then dips their hands into the wax and then put on plastic gloves and a mitt which help seal in the heat. These are worn for about 10 to 15 minutes. Once removed, your nails, hands, and cuticles should feel immediately softer and moisturized. This is a wonderful treatment with amazing benefits. The more you lubricate your hands and nails, the better they will be!
Wear gloves! When washing the dishes or removing nail polish with acetone you must wear gloves! Drying agents are a death sentence for not only your cuticles and nails, but for your hands and skin! Even too much water, especially hot water will just dry your hands out allowing severe stress and breakage along the nails and cuticle. Protect your hands and the rest of your body with thank you.
One more important thing to remember when caring for your cuticles. Keep your hands and fingers out of your mouth! Your mouth is dirty, and saliva breaks down your skin. If you’ve compromised your cuticles or nails developing an infection is too easy. If you have a bad habit of biting your nails you have to kick that to the curb. Stress, damage, and infections are the only thing you will see as a result from that nasty habit.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
The Antifungal Diet
(800) 672-0625
So what exactly is the antifungal die and what can it do for you? The Anti-Fungal Diet claims to help get rid of your body’s fungal parasites which can cause diseases. It is possible for certain fungi to enter your system through food, water, air, and even something as simple as touch. These fungi can produce toxins within the body which can negatively impact your overall health! If you want to avoid harmful fungal growth within your body and system you need to abide by the Anti-Fungal Diet. This diet will essentially starve the invading fungus which will eventually cause the fungus to die off completely. Your body will then heal from the damage allowing you to experience better overall health and wellness!
So what are you not allowed to eat? It starts with phase 1, phase 1 means you will be eliminating all sugars from your diet, all artificial sweeteners, grains, coffee and tea. You also want to do your best to avoid nuts, green olives, salad dressings, anything containing yeast or butter substitutes.
Now that you know all the forbidden food you’re not allowed to eat, what CAN you eat? Eggs are great, chicken, meat in general and seafood. Feel free to have lots of yogurt, natural butter, and fruits and vegetables.
After a few weeks you’ll start noticing decreased symptoms from whichever particular disease or ailment you’re suffering from. Maintenance and consistency is key, do your best to stay on track with little to no deviations.
If you have any serious medical conditions be sure to consult with a doctor or your primary care physician first before beginning your Anti-Fungal Diet! You want to be sure you’re still meeting all of your nutritional needs while following this diet. Better safe than sorry!
Friday, December 18, 2015
The Reality of Nail Fungus
(800) 672-0625
Do you know the percent of Americans who are affected by toenail fungus? 12% of all Americans! But what is the difference between bacteria and fungus? Fungus can multiply rapidly and cause different types of infection to the body. There are two different types of fungus that our skin is susceptible to. Candida and Dermatophytes, both of these types of fungi can affect our nails but usually Dermatophytes is the type of fungus most commonly found on the average, everyday, nail fungus infections.
There are several dangers of toenail fungus, and the longer you put off treatment, the more susceptible your nails become! In most prolonged cases the nail becomes brittle and flaky, and can detach itself from the skin completely. The shape of the nail can distort and become deformed while also changing the color of the nail entirely.
Pain is also a side affect from toenail fungus. If left untreated this pain can spread from toe to toe and eventually foot to foot. The fungus can even travel to the hands which can be much harder to treat. If you have a weakened immune system or suffer from AIDS, leukemia, or have an organ transplant, you are at a much higher risk to developing the fungus and pain involved if left untreated.
For more information feel free to contact our Boston location. In our Boston location you can get free consultation for toenail fungus laser treatment.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Why Do We Bite Our Nails?
(800) 672-0625

Biting your fingernails is a habit that often times starts in your childhood. Studies have shown that about 60% of children and around 45% of teenagers are nail biters. Nail biting becomes less and less common after the age of 18, but if the habit is already deeply ingrained in the individual, it can continue into adulthood.
But why do we do it? What drives us to bite our nails exactly? Stress and boredom play a huge role as for the reason. The habit can often be linked to anxiety or to keep the the body and mind occupied when the mind lacks interest. Anxiety, loneliness, or any other types of emotional triggers can also lead to nail biting. Biting fingernails can also be a sign of OCD also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Regular nail biting can cause severe damage to the nail and the surrounding skin which can be considered a form of self mutilation and harm!
If you bite your nails on the regular, your nails and cuticles suffer, the area around your nails can become infected since it’s easy for bacteria to travel from your fingers to your mouth and face. Nail biting can also affect your teeth! It can severely weaken them or push their alignment out of place.
If you are a consistent nail biter try adding a bitter polish to your nails, it will discourage you from biting after leaving a sour taste in your mouth. If you find stress and anxiety is what causes you to nibble on your nails try alternatives when relaxing like yoga or meditation. Even something as simple as deep breathing and squeezing a stress ball would be a game changer!
Friday, December 11, 2015
Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment! (800) 672-0625
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today!
(800) 672-0625
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic is the Largest Toenail Fungus Laser Removal Clinic in the United States!
If you are suffering from a nail fungus infection on your hands or in your toenails you owe it to your self to seek out the best treatment possible. You do not have to be embarrassed to show your hands or feet in public any longer!
All of our offices use the PinPointe FootLaser, which is the most effective treatment option for nail fungus available to date. Also, all of our free consultation and toenail fungus laser removal treatments are performed by Podiatrists, (doctor who specializes in the feet) never a technician.
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Toenail Fungus Today!
(800) 672-0625
Monday, December 7, 2015
What happens if left untreated?
(800) 672-0625
Many individuals who suffer from nail fungus are long time sufferers. Nail fungus is known to be an infectious disease and is still incurable however it is treatable. Those who have had it for years have just about tried everything they can think of and of those individuals, many lose hope and give up on treatment, accepting that they will never see results. This is the sad reality for many sufferers, however this can also be a dangerous conclusion to opt to. Additionally there are people who have obtained the nail fungus who simply do not care to treat it or believe the problem will subside on its own. The repercussions of these thought processes are not pretty.
If left untreated and in more severe cases, nail fungus can cause permanent damage to the nail and further spread to other parts of the body. If on the fingernails it has a high likelihood of spreading to the toenails and vice versa. Nail fungus can also spread onto the skin and other parts of the body such as the scalp. Moreover, if left untreated you may could infect other members of your household. Fungus is infectious and contagious therefore the spreading of it to other individuals is likely and could be potentially how you obtained it yourself.
The moral of the story is that if you are showing signs of a fungal infection, make sure to take care of it at it first signs to not only avoid from it spreading to other parts of your body, worsening in appearance, but also for other individuals out there that are uninfected.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Fighting Fungus With Garlic
(800) 672-0625

So how exactly do you apply garlic to your nails? Start by applying a warm compress against the affected area. This will open the pores on the skin which will attract the fungus to the surface. Fungi love hot and moist environments and are naturally drawn to these conditions.
Apply one clove of mashed garlic to the affected area with a cotton ball, apply medical tape and wrap it around the toe so the gauze stays fixed. Replace with a clean dressing every three to five hours. Do not reuse the the same garlic, only use freshly mashed garlic!
Another thing that you can do to maximize the healing properties found in garlic is eat! Combat the fungus internally and externally, don’t give it a chance! Try to eat at least one clove daily, eating the extra clove will give the garlic more potency.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Toenail Fungus Laser Philadelphia(800) 672-0625
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today!
(800) 672-0625
If you are suffering from a nail fungus infection in your toenails or on your hands you owe it to your self to seek out the best treatment possible. You do not have to be embarrassed to show your feet in public any longer!
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic is the Largest Nail Fungus Laser Treatment Clinic in the United States!
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic is the Largest Nail Fungus Laser Treatment Clinic in the United States!
All of our offices use the PinPointe FootLaser, which is the most effective treatment option for toenail fungus currently available. Also, all of our free consultation and toenail fungus laser removal treatments are performed by Podiatrists, (doctors who specialize in the feet) never a technician.
Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Toenail Fungus Today!
(800) 672-0625
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