Thursday, February 26, 2015

Living with the Embarrassment of Toenail Fungus

(800) 672-0625

When people become infected with toenail fungus they often worry that other people who notice the fungus will look down on them. When children have toenail fungus, their peers may point, stare, laugh, or even tease them about it. It is for these reasons that people of any age don’t like others seeing their toenail fungus. As a result, it’s common for people with toenail fungus to cover up their feet. Covering up infected feet could actually make the toenail fungus worse.

Although they may not like it, people with toenail fungus should wear open toe shoes and let their feet breathe. Wearing closed toe shoes with cotton socks can cause sweat to build up. Toenail fungal organisms thrive in moist environments so sweat is a place they call home. Flip-flops, sandals, and other similar open toe shoes will help keep sweat from building up around their toes. People might notice the toenail fungus this way, but wearing these shoes can help prevent the toenail fungus from getting much worse.

If you are one of the people who is embarrassed by toenail fungus and keep your toes covered up as a result, the best thing you can do is get your toenail fungus treated. Some people go years without showing others their feet. It may take some time, but getting your toenail fungus treated with one of the many toenail fungus treatment options can help you stop worrying about what other people think about you and your toes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Toenail Fungus and Going to Public Pools

(800) 672-0625

Toenail Fungus and Going to Public Pools

Some people love the water. From the moment they first learn how to swim they can’t wait to dive back into a pool. But not everyone has a pool in their backyard. Some people have to go to public pools in order to go swimming. They can go swimming in the same pool for years without even thinking about the dangers involved. Then one day they get out of the pool and start putting on their shoes, only to notice strange spots on their toes.

What they had never realized was that people with toenail fungus go to public pools too. When these people walk around the pool areas without wearing shoes their toenail fungus could spread to the area surrounding the pool. If you step in the same spots that the people with toenail fungus fungus had stepped previously, you can end up with the same nail fungal infection.

Does this mean that you should stop going to public pools? Not necessarily. As long as you take precautions you should be alright. Wearing water shoes around the pool will help keep the fungus from infecting you. You should also definitely leave them on when you go the pool's public shower. Nail fungal organisms thrive in shower environments. But if you actively try to prevent them from infecting you by wearing water shoes around the pool, you can continue to enjoy going for a swim whenever and wherever you'd like.

Monday, February 23, 2015

How Long Should I Wait Before Treating My Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus should be treated as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Some people don’t want to deal with finding the right toenail fungus treatment option and just hope that it will go away on its own. Unfortunately simply wishing for toenail fungus to go away isn’t enough. Toenail fungus will never go away without a treatment.

If you wait to get your toenail fungus treated you are increasing the risk of your toenail fungus spreading from toe to toe. If this happens it'll be that much harder to treat it. If it spreads from one foot to another the time it'll take for most treatments to make it all go away will go up even more. If you treat it at the first sign of an infection you will end up being in much better shape.

Toenail fungus can last you your whole life if you don’t act on it. While some people go years before finding a treatment and end up successful, the sooner you get it treated the more likely it is for the nail fungus to go away before it has a major impact on your daily life. If you’d like to learn more about the different nail fungus treatment options, you should seek out the advice of a trained podiatrist. Podiatrists can explain to you the positives and negatives of each treatment. Once you pick out a treatment, you’ll be on your way to clearer and healthier nails.

(800) 672-0625